Photo by Tony Cece

Friday, May 4, 2012

The Office of Global Affairs Promotes Faculty and Staff Global Scholarship

Dr. Mary Manjikian
Dr. Mary Manjikian, Regent Assistant Professor and Fulbright Recipient

Regent University’s Office of Global Affairs (OGA) hosted the first Fulbright Workshop for faculty and staff.  Twenty- five faculty and staff attended the workshop at Robertson Hall where the event took place. Dr. William Brown, School of Communication (Fulbright Specialist to Norway and Netherlands); Dr. Scott Pryor, School of Law (Fulbright Scholar to India);  Dr. Gail Derrick, School of Education (Fulbright Specialist to Hungary)shared their experiences about the application process, types of Fulbright programs and their experiences of studying, researching and teaching abroad. Dr. Mary Manjikian, School of Government; the latest Fulbright grantee was honored during the event.  She was awarded a research grant to pursue her ongoing study of the politics of threat and how states organize against it. She will study at Durham University in the United Kingdom January through March of 2013. 
Following Manjikian’s recognition, Dr. Charles Dunn, Distinguished Professor for the School of Government and previously appointed by President Ronald Reagan and reappointed by President George W. Bush to the J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board and elected Chairman four times, shared remarks on The Prestige of a Fulbright Award. 
Regent Fulbright Workshop participants: (L-R) Dr. William Brown, Dr. Scott Pryor, Dr. Gail Derrick, Dr. Sergio Matviuk and Dr. Charles Dunn
The Fulbright Scholar Program is an international educational exchange program sponsored by the U.S. government. The program is designed to increase the mutual understanding between people of the United Sates and people of other countries.  It has over 310,000 participants who exemplify academic and leadership excellence. Fulbright program grantees receive several benefits including government funding to live abroad and study, teach, conduct research and experience various cultures. Dr. Sergio Matviuk, executive director of Global Affairs stated that “OGA organized the event as a way to promote faculty and staff to achieve global scholarship and experiences, which increase their global competencies. We want to encourage Regent’s faculty and staff to know more about this prestigious program and provide information on how to apply. We had a great attendance today which shows faculty and staff interest on global scholarship.”
Dr. Almarie Munley , School of Undergraduate Studies (Fulbright Scholar to Hong Kong 2010-2011), who serves as Regent’s Fulbright Representative and Advisor directing the workshop for OGA emphasized the importance of a Fulbright in furthering  the mission of university which includes  developing an international reputation for academic excellence, scholarship and action. “Fulbright appointments are highly competitive and globally recognized as one of the highest academic honors”. 

OGA will continue to host various workshops and events to support the success of Fulbright Scholars,global learning and scholarship at Regent University. To learn more about the efforts of OGA please visit the OGA website.

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