Photo by Tony Cece

Monday, November 12, 2012

Registration Opens for Summer Mission Trips

By Amanda Morad
November 6, 2012
Regent University's Center for Global Missions has opened registration for its two summer 2013 mission trips. The center's fifth annual trip to Ghana will be May 15-31 and their second annual trip to China will be July 2-16.
The registration deadline for both trips is January 31, 2013.

"We are living in changing times; global communication now takes place at the speed of light, global immigration precipitated by wars and economic push factors is occurring on an unprecedented scale and cultures and religions once separated by vast chasms of land and seas are now existing very close together," said Dr. Clifton Clarke, the center's director.

"In such a complex and evolving world, the Center for Global Missions seeks to train and prepare leaders that are competent to navigate the fluctuations of these modern times through cross-cultural learning, global immersion, education for global competence and the ability to share Christ in a way that is relevant," Clarke added.

With this evolving global landscape in mind, the center is developing leaders to reach every corner of the world. In Ghana, students will have the opportunity to stay with Ghanaian families and experience the culture and hospitality of the nation first-hand. Participants will also visit churches, schools, colleges and villages, and take part in outdoor crusades.

Through these snapshots of service and outreach, participants will become familiar with African Pentecostalism. Students will share the gospel with unreached people groups and have opportunities to teach needy children and orphans. There will also be opportunities to learn about the history of the slave trade and to visit slave castles.

On the China trip, students will visit Chinese university campuses, learn about the Pentecostal and Charismatic movements in China and work with local missionaries. Visiting government-sanctioned churches will also give students a better understanding of the challenges and opportunities for evangelism and church growth in China.

The approximate cost of each trip is $3,500. Students may also register for three credit hours for each mission trip at a significantly discounted tuition rate.

Contact Eric Ketcham, Center for Global Missions coordinator, at for application details, or start an application.

Learn more about the Center for Global Missions.
Mindy Hughes, Public Relations

Phone: 757.352.4095 Fax: 757.352.4888

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