Photo by Tony Cece

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

SPC Profs Travel to Lebanon

Dr. Benjamin Keyes and Dr. Merrill Reese
leading a trauma workshop. 

Photo courtesy of Dr. Benjamin Keyes.

By Brett Wilson | November 25, 2013

The trauma and terror overwhelming the nation of Syria has created a growing need for professionals trained in providing grief counsel to those suffering loss and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

In late October, Regent University School of Psychology & Counseling (SPC) professor Dr. Benjamin Keyes and associate professor Dr. Merrill Reese traveled to Lebanon to take part in leading a "power-packed" three-day training session for Syrian pastors, youth ministers, social workers and psychologists.

As an initiative of Regent's Center for Trauma Studies, and in cooperation with The Barnabas Group (TBG), Keyes and Reese led workshops on how to help families and children cope with PTSD, restore hope, deal with grief and loss, as well as helping volunteers work through difficult roadblocks such as compassion fatigue.

"These are the people who have bombs dropping through their rooftops, and many of them have lost loved ones themselves," said Keyes. "But they have a passionate faith in God and it's amazing the strength they have and true testimony to their faith that they press on."

Conditions are still very dangerous for those living in Syria. Reese explained that of the 40 participants of the trauma training, many don't expect to live longer than six months. But they keep pressing on to discover more ways to help coach others through their psychological difficulties because, according to Reese, "fear is not in their vocabulary."

"Here are a group of people who don't flinch, and who understand the power of a promise," said Reese. "They're risking life and limb, but they feel called to do that."

Reese also feels called to aid others through his expert knowledge on grief and loss counseling. To him, trauma training is a ministerial tool that he will continue to help others develop.

"The beauty of the kingdom of God, and what we try to do in these trainings, is that you go in and you equip the people to do the work so that they may continue when you're gone, said Reese. "To me, that is what ministry is all about."

Learn more about the School of Psychology & Counseling and the Center for Trauma Studies.

Center for Global Justice Hosts Summit

Photo courtesy of the Center for Global
Justice, Human Rights, and the Rule of Law.

By Brett Wilson | November 14, 2013

Unfurling in the regime of North Korea are shocking events meeting at the intersection of a present-day Holocaust and Underground Railroad. Though the traumas evolving within the country are mostly unheard of by the rest of the world, the religious and political persecution taking place in North Korea affects nearly 200,000 people trapped in concentration camps.
Regent University School of Law's Center for Global Justice, Human Rights, and the Rule of Law explored these human rights abuses during the North Korea Human Rights Summit early in November. Students obtained an inside glance into the tumultuous violations such as torture, starvation, forced abortions, beatings and assaults that take place in the nation every day.

"This is arguably the greatest human rights abuse that's taking place today," said Ernie Walton, administrative director for the Center for Global Justice. "The people are starving; they don't have rights—and the extent of the human rights abuse that is taking place there is absolutely astonishing."

The summit featured a showing of the Korean film, The Crossing, which delves into the hardships many North Koreans are facing as they struggle to flee the country, seeking refuge in South Korea by escaping through China.

The summit also featured expert panelists dedicated to informing the public about the outrageous abuses taking place today. Jae-Chun Won, professor from Handong International Law School in South Korea; Greg Scarlatoiu, executive director for the Committee for Human Rights in North Korea (HRNK); and Myunghee Um, a North Korean refugee and pastor, shared their personal experiences with students.

Along with the panelists, the issues struck a chord for Regent students. Sarah Drury, School of Law 3L student and head student coordinator of the summit, explained that these human rights challenges spurred her decision to attend law school, so that she may someday advocate for the rights of those who are oppressed.

"I believe that God may enable some of us in the Regent community to actually advocate for North Korean human rights," said Drury. "While this is a very complicated situation that doesn't have an easy answer, the first step to finding a solution is being made aware of the problem's existence."

In addition to bringing awareness to the horrors unraveling in North Korea, the heart of the summit was, according to Walton, to encourage the Christian community to begin intervening, if only by prayer, for their brothers and sisters suffering overseas.

"I pray that they gain hope that God is still moving, and that there are Christians, and others, non-believers, who are fighting for these people," said Walton. "I hope that they were moved, at a minimum, to intercede for the nation of North Korea, for the people there and for our fellow brothers and sisters who are being persecuted for their faith."

Learn more about the School of Law and the Center for Global Justice, Human Rights, and the Rule of Law.

Ambassador Aharoni Visits Regent

Ambassador Ido Aharoni.

November 11, 2013

Among ongoing chaos in the Middle East, Ambassador Ido Aharoni sees both challenges and opportunities for Israel today. Aharoni, Consul General of Israel in New York, visited Regent University on Monday, Nov. 4, to meet with students, faculty and staff, members of the local Jewish community and representatives from the Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN).
During a large group presentation to about 300 students and guests, Aharoni began his remarks with some observations about the "Arab Spring."

"In our culture, 'spring' stands for something very distinct and very clear, something that is seasonal," Aharoni explained. "Are we looking at something seasonal that will be over soon? Or, are we looking at the disintegration of countries in our region and the boundaries that were determined by two powers at the time—France and England?

"Spring also stands for something positive, that is about growth, renewal. I'm not sure we're looking at something that will have a positive outcome on people in the region," he added.

The ambassador addressed "lessons learned" from the Arab Spring, specifically as it relates to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. He noted that the "linkage argument" has suffered a major blow as a result of recent events. The "linkage argument" says the root cause of Middle East instability is the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

"Today is the 34th anniversary of the seizure of the American embassy in Tehran, which had nothing to do the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. In 1990, Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait, leading to the first Gulf War. That action had nothing to do with the Israel and Palestine," he said. "There are no fewer than 29 active tribal, religious and military conflicts in the Middle East. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is one of many conflicts. That's not to say it's not an important conflict to resolve—far from it—but it's much easier to deal with problems on the table if we're negotiating under the right atmosphere."

Aharoni also pointed out the difference between democratic elections and democracy as a value system using the example of Gaza elections in 2006, which led to a victory by the terrorist organization Hamas that now governs in an undemocratic fashion.

"The ability to conduct open, transparent elections is not the only expression of democracy," he said. "Democracy is about values and people's ability to live by those values."

On a positive note, Aharoni shared encouraging developments from Israel, including the ability to now negotiate with Palestinians "freely, professionally and discreetly"—a process he hopes will lead to more good news. He touted Israel's water self-sufficiency, which has been a priority issue since the nation's inception. Similarly, Israel has identified significant deposits of natural gas that may lead not only to Israel's energy-independence, but could also result in Israel exporting natural gas.

Aharoni also spoke passionately about creativity in Israel. He cited a book, The Rise of the Creative Class, which suggests that the presence of a "creative class"—the people who develop ideas that change the destiny of a society—is the one element that gives a society an edge.

"I'm happy to report, that according to any measurement, the creative class in Israel is perhaps the fastest-growing in the world," Aharoni said, listing top rankings for Israel, including the number of conceptual ideas produced, start-up companies, scientific papers, and three universities ranked among the top 100 in the world.

"Israel is only at the very beginning of introducing ideas that will impact positively everyone in the world," he said.
Besides this presentation, Aharoni met with Regent University leaders and faculty members from several schools. He also appeared on CBN's The 700 Club. His visit to Regent was part of the university's Ambassador Series, which brings international dignitaries to the university to interact with the campus community.

Since August 2010, Ambassador Aharoni has been the Consul General at the Consulate General of Israel in New York, serving the tri-state area of New York, New Jersey and Connecticut. He has been a member of Israel's Foreign Service since 1991. Aharoni has a bachelor's degree from Tel Aviv University with a joint-major in Film and Television, Sociology and Anthropology. He earned a master's degree in Mass Communications from Emerson College in Boston. Aharoni served in the Israel Defense Forces as a company commander in the infantry during the first Lebanon war. He retired from military reserves several years ago, at the age of 48, as a Major (Ret).

Trauma Team Aids Kenyan Mall Hostages

School of Psychology & Counseling 2013 trauma team.
Photo courtesy of Dr. Benjamin Keyes.

October 4, 2013
A volunteer group of 15 psychologists and professional counselors in Kenya is using trauma training materials developed by Regent University School of Psychology & Counseling (SPC) professors in their work helping hostage survivors of the Kenyan mall attack and family members of deceased victims to cope with the tragedy.

Over the last two years, Regent's trauma team, led by SPC professor Dr. Benjamin Keyes, has traveled to Kenya each summer to provide counseling to villagers suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) from the perpetual discord and violence in the Rift Valley. As part of these outreaches, the most recent of which took place in August 2013, the group offered a series of training workshops for local mental health professionals, community leaders, pastors, families and school children.

The training material addressed issues such as psychological first aid, how best to respond to violence, treating traumatized families, treating trauma in children and adolescents, conflict resolution and domestic violence.

Members of the local Kenyan volunteer team took part in this training by the Regent group. The Kenyan team is now, in turn, using that information to provide counseling to hostage survivors and families of the deceased victims of the mall attack.

Joseph Njoroge, who is part of the Kenyan team and chairman of Family Life Healing Initiative (FALIHEIN), an organization that works with bereaved families in Kenya, said, "We are providing significant psychological help to those affected by the mall attack, as many people have been overwhelmed by it. The training material provided by the Regent trauma team has been most helpful and has added much value to what we are doing."

Dr. Keyes, who also serves as the director of Regent's Center for Trauma studies stated, "The people of this area have already seen a tremendous amount of suffering due to tribal violence over the last 15 years. This mall attack has only complicated matters for them. Trauma counseling such as this can have a great impact on one's life, and we take comfort knowing that local volunteers have stepped up to help those who are suffering."

Learn more about Regent University's School of Psychology & Counseling and the Center for Trauma Studies.